Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Stagnation of not failing enough

It’s not monotony, it’s not fluctuating between ups and downs, it’s a zombie state out of the nowhere where you believe you can do anything, but actually do nothing.

Success brings more success, and failure either kills or strengthens you with more power to make a greater revenge success.

But what to do if you make a lot of halfway successes followed by a series of subtle failures? In every path you take, you achieve what proves you can reach the end, but you don’t! You get stuck with obstacles. You try. And try again. And then say: why not trying an alternate path? And the loop continues... 

In each path, you still have this little hope that you can do it... you don’t abandon one path in favor of the other... and you don’t reach the point of severe miserable failure to summon the power of starting over again! 

They always say it’s the journey that matters not the destination, but if your journeys are all half marathons, when will you complete the full marathon?


(عن حرب الاستنزاف[0]=AZXGfdHMzv8G6vGuSkZBy25gSOfuUKpQNsls8aBNiiAamzjnCYG-vAgvIifZvq3b4Ajwu0YRKGgn5qdC1cszpI_uf43chmWRDGG-vjAo2-3Ws3z0vNiCh-8uBgMgmNNs6RzEvm6gzEXfJX07K71Vmo2JAN012bx9lLjyjtK1RoYv300e_F8ofO3Q5Un6R3S2hzQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R-R)

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